BoA Responds To Harsh Criticisms She Got On Street Man Fighter In Her Instagram Story

BoA has become a hot topic because of the hate comments she received on her judging the SMF.

On September 20, a critical post about BoA began trending on theqoo‘ community board under the title, “BOA’S INSTA STORY UPDATE (ABOUT SMF)“.

(For context, a lot of people went crazy on BoA’s Instagram after SMF because of how she judged and flirted with the contestants.)

Why does BoA have to be the “victim of criticism”? “From a scandal about qualifications to personal attacks, what is Mnet doing about these hateful comments that go too far?”

BoA: It’s not like the judges are the ones who choose which teams fight… Would there be less hate speech if Bank Two Brothers were the ones to go? Every time I think about this, I get tired.

Other netizens then commented:

SM, put out a statement about the lawsuit

I’ve really seen it all. This is so funny.

Fight on, BoA!!!

It seems like she didn’t like being called “Nam-Mi-Sae” (Korean: namjae-michin-seggi, which means “girls who are crazy about men”).

She really looks like she’s had enough.

You’re doing well, but please don’t pay attention to BoA fighting.

Even during SWF, people didn’t like the judges. People can’t wait to leave hateful comments when the team they supported gets kicked out. What kind of “fair” judge are you looking for, anyway? What’s weird is that Prime Kingz did the battle because you guys weren’t watching their videos to get more views, so.

Please sue everyone.

I really don’t like Nam. -Mi-Saes

Why are you putting BoA through this?

What are your thoughts on this?



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