ILLIT Set for Debut Performance at Prestigious Chinese Music Festival

The rising group ILLIT is gearing up for their first appearance at a major music festival in Greater China since their debut.

On the 19th, ILLIT shared a poster for the ‘2024 TMEA 5th Tencent Music Entertainment Awards’ (‘5th TMEA 2024’) featuring their portraits on their official Weibo account.

Scheduled to take place at Macau’s Galaxy Arena from July 19th to 21st, ‘5th TMEA 2024’ is a grand music festival and awards event hosted by Tencent Music Entertainment, the powerhouse behind China’s largest music platform QQ Music. ILLIT is slated to perform on the festival’s opening day, July 19th, where they will showcase a solo stage.

Since their debut on March 25th, ILLIT has achieved significant success on global charts, particularly in Greater China. Every track from their debut album ‘SUPER REAL ME’ soared into the top 10 across six QQ Music charts, including New Songs, Rising, Hot Trends, Popularity Index, Music Index, and Hot Songs. Their title track ‘Magnetic’ swiftly climbed to the number one spot on QQ Music’s real-time new songs chart just two hours after its release.

The song continued its domination by topping the Rising Daily Chart and Popularity Index Daily Chart the following day, eventually securing the second position on the prestigious Hot Songs chart as of March 29th. This chart ranks the top 300 songs within QQ Music.

Beyond China, ILLIT has made waves in the United States, United Kingdom, and Japan. ‘Magnetic’ made history as the first debut K-pop song to enter the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Official Singles Top 100. Moreover, ‘SUPER REAL ME’ achieved a notable milestone by entering the Billboard 200 at 93rd place as of May 11th.

Notably, ‘Magnetic’ also propelled ILLIT to become the fastest female group to surpass 100 million streams on the Oricon Chart’s Weekly Streaming Ranking.

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