Lee Hyori’s stirring graduation speech: ‘Trust no one, but yourself’

Renowned celebrity Lee Hyori graced the graduation ceremony at Kookmin University, her alma mater, with a poignant speech that resonated deeply with the audience.

Lee Hyori, a ’98 alumna from the Department of Theater and Film at Kookmin University, had aspirations of fame rather than a career in acting.

She was blessed with a successful debut in the entertainment industry and expressed her gratitude for the love and success she continues to enjoy.

Despite taking eight years to graduate, Lee Hyori questioned her own qualifications and candidly asked if we, who often disregard the advice of our parents, close friends, or respected elders, have any reason to heed the words of those who speak of fame.

Lee Hyori advised, “If you can, trust no one. Embrace solitude and keep moving forward.”

Instead of offering conventional advice, she inspired her juniors to pursue their passions relentlessly, to remain unaffected by those who might exploit them under false pretenses, and to listen to their own hearts above all else.

Interestingly, Lee Hyori had previously visited Gwangju Girls’ High School through ‘Dance Singer Wandering Troupe (tvN)‘ and spent time addressing the concerns of the students.

She encouraged a student who wanted to pursue music but was held back by her parents’ financial worries.

“Do you want to earn money? Or do you want to make music? Whose life is it, your parents’ or yours?” she asked, reminding them of their true desires and encouraging them to chase their dreams, earning applause from the students.



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