“I used to love him” Yoo Jae Suk Faces Backlash for Guesting BIGBANG Daesung Despite Scandals

Renowned South Korean entertainer Yoo Jae Suk is under scrutiny as netizens question his approach to managing his public image.

The focus of the controversy centers around Jaesuk‘s association with fellow celebrity Daesung, particularly during the latter’s military service following a scandal.

The criticism emerged after Yoo Jaesuk reportedly reached out to Daesung privately during the latter’s military enlistment, raising eyebrows among fans and netizens alike.

While some acknowledge the possibility of genuine concern between the two friends, others express disappointment in Jaesuk‘s decision to discuss the matter on his show, “Hangout With Yoo.”

Netizens took to various online platforms to share their sentiments:

“I really like Yoo Jae Suk, but I did feel turned off by him a couple of times recently.”

“He’s the national MC Yuneu-nim, but looking at what he’s been doing recently, I feel he wants to always do things with people who have a connection or deep roots with him forever.”

“It’s because his image is at the top that kids with a bad image think that they’ll rebound if they appear with him.”

“I also wish that he’d take the scandalous kids into consideration and just skip on them.”

Some netizens pointed out a perceived shift in Yoo Jae Suk‘s approach to his shows, noting a preference for working with individuals with whom he shares a strong personal connection.

Others expressed nostalgia for the earlier days of “Running Man,” where Yoo Jae Suk collaborated with individuals he wasn’t initially close to, fostering camaraderie over time.

Critics suggest that Yoo Jae Suk‘s willingness to associate with individuals involved in scandals may have repercussions for his pristine public image.

The sentiment is echoed in the belief that his association with such individuals might be perceived as enabling or condoning their actions.

As discussions surrounding Yoo Jae Suk‘s choices in collaborations continue, fans and critics alike await to see how the beloved entertainer navigates the delicate balance between maintaining personal connections and safeguarding his public image.



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