Kim Jaejoong Opens Up About Traumatic Encounters with Sasaeng Fans, “They entered my house while I was sleeping.”

Singer Kim Jaejoong has revealed his harrowing experiences with sasaeng fans, who invade celebrities’ privacy.

On June 27th, during a special episode titled ‘Got Rolling I+Dol Steals the Channel’ on the YouTube channel ‘ST7’, Kim Jaejoong discussed these troubling incidents with THE BOYZ member Young Hoon.

Reflecting on the intensity of sasaeng fan culture during his time with H.O.T., Kim Jaejoong shared, “It was during the transition from analog to digital fandoms, so things were particularly intense.”

Young Hoon brought up incidents like the invasion of TVXQ‘s dormitory, prompting Kim Jaejoong to reveal, “Sasaeng fans entering my house was inevitable.”

He recounted a chilling experience, saying, “I once received a photo of myself from an unknown number, showing my back at home. I realized they had already entered my house, taken photos, and sent them to me.”

Kim Jaejoong shocked viewers by disclosing, “There was even a sasaeng fan who kissed me while I was sleeping.” He added, “This happened in our dormitory, and back then, such actions often went unpunished.”

Despite the trauma and constant anxiety caused by sasaeng fans, Kim Jaejoong expressed admiration for IU‘s stance against such behavior, noting, IU‘s actions in suing fans who crossed the line had a positive impact. It made me realize the serious harm such actions can cause.”

When asked if he would choose to become an idol again if given the chance, Kim Jaejoong affirmed, “I would.”

Kim Jaejoong‘s candid revelations shed light on the darker side of celebrity life and the challenges faced by idols dealing with obsessive fans.



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