NewJeans Receives Praise for Electrifying “How Sweet” Performance on ‘Music Bank’

Girl group NewJeans has made a highly anticipated comeback with their latest single, “How Sweet,” and their live performance on ‘Music Bank’ left fans in awe.

From the moment of their debut, NewJeans stood out by offering a distinctive interpretation that diverged from the typical K-pop sound.

Now, amid the ongoing feud between ADOR and HYBE, NewJeans is enjoying a successful comeback. Renowned for their top-notch performances, the girls certainly didn’t disappoint on ‘Music Bank,’ delivering a stellar show.

On May 24, fan cam videos and one-take performance clips of “How Sweet” were uploaded on YouTube, quickly garnering praise from users in popular online communities. Korean netizens couldn’t help but express their admiration:

“This is so unique, and the hip-hop vibe is incredible. NewJeans is just amazing.”

Their performance is mind-blowing. I love it!”

“I was completely entranced by their stage presence.”

Hanni’s dancing skills are outstanding.”

“The song and the choreography are both fantastic.”

“These girls have won my heart.”

“The choreography is cool and captivating.”

NewJeans brings a fresh hip vibe.”

“Their dance moves are on point.”

“They own the stage.”

“Nothing less than perfection from NewJeans.”

“Let’s hope everything gets resolved soon.”

Congratulations to NewJeans on their impressive performance, and here’s to a bright future for the group! 🌟



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