Netizens wonder what Red Velvet’s Joy did to her eyes and insist “she looked much better before any procedures”

In the bustling world of K-pop, Red Velvet‘s Joy has recently become the center of a heated discussion among Korean netizens.

The buzz started when Joy made a public appearance, her eyes noticeably different, sparking rumors of cosmetic enhancements.

The speculation about Joy‘s altered appearance began a month ago when photos surfaced, hinting at a possible eyelid surgery.

As the initial swelling seemed to have subsided, the debate has only intensified, with netizens voicing their opinions on her decision to possibly undergo plastic surgery.

Here are some of the comments from the online community:

“She’s still stunning.”

“The swelling has significantly reduced.”

“Wasn’t it just eyelid tape before? What swelling?”

“It’s obvious it’s eyelid surgery… Eyelid tape doesn’t give that effect.”

“I recall her mentioning it was just tape.”

“There’s a noticeable change in her eyes.”

“She had a unique charm before… It seems to have faded.”

“She was already beautiful, no need for enhancements.”

“Her eyes were more captivating before.”

“Despite claims of it being eyelid tape, it’s clear she had her eyes done. She was more attractive before.”

“Regardless, she’s beautiful.”

“Why does it matter? It’s her body, her life. Criticisms like these are why idols feel pressured to get surgery. Please stop.”

“I never knew what a double eyelid was until K-pop.”

“The fact that they complain about everything baffles me”

“Find something productive to do, leave her alone.”

What are your thoughts?



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