Eagle-Eyed Fans Spot Interesting Connection Jennie’s Odd Atelier is Allegedly the Same Building Used by ‘Transit Love 3’

Fans recently noticed a connection between BLACKPINK‘s Jennie‘s new label, Odd Atelier, and the TVING original dating reality series ‘Transit Love 3’.

Guests who attended the launch party for Jennie‘s label shared photos of the event, and fans recognized the interior of the Odd Atelier office as the same building where the cast members of ‘Transit Love 3’ lived during the show.

The revelation sparked various reactions from netizens, with comments expressing surprise and curiosity.

Some fans admired how Jennie had remodeled the space, while others jokingly inquired about job opportunities at the company.

Speculations arose, with questions like, “Did she buy the house after they finished filming ‘Transit Love 3’?” and comments praising Jennie‘s success and wealth.

The connection between the launch party venue and the ‘Transit Love 3’ living space added an interesting twist for fans and ignited discussions online.



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