“Even celebrities do the 3 second rule” RIIZE’s Eunseok Brought Laughter to the Netizens by Picking Up Dropped Food

RIIZE‘s Eunseok is gaining attention and causing a buzz on social media platforms, all for an unexpected and perhaps unconventional reason – his unique snacking habit.

In a video clip that has since gone viral, Eunseok is spotted casually picking up a snack from the ground and munching away, leaving many to wonder about the motivations behind his actions.

The incident, which was caught on camera, showcases Eunseok bending down to retrieve a snack from the ground before proceeding to eat it.

While this might appear unorthodox to some, it sparked a variety of reactions among netizens, and the consensus was not entirely negative.

Many netizens were quick to react to Eunseok‘s actions, with some attributing it to his possible environmental consciousness.

They commended his willingness to prevent litter and waste, choosing to consume the snack rather than letting it go to waste.

Comments such as “He has that human side, so I just find him funny” and “Down-to-earth men are likable” echoed the sentiment that this behavior made Eunseok more relatable and appealing in the eyes of his fans.

The “3-second rule,” which suggests that food dropped on the ground is still safe to eat if picked up within three seconds, was also invoked by some netizens.

Eunseok‘s prompt retrieval and consumption of the snack led to playful comments such as “No way, he picked it up, blew on it, and ate it” and “He picked it up within 3 seconds – ah, freaking hilarious.”

The consensus seemed to be that Eunseok‘s behavior, although unconventional, was lighthearted and amusing.

While Song Eunseok‘s behavior may have raised some eyebrows, it also revealed a more down-to-earth and humorous side of his personality that resonated with his fans.

This unexpected incident serves as a reminder that even celebrities have their relatable and human moments, which, in Eunseok‘s case, have brought him closer to his audience.

The viral video of Eunseok’s unique snacking habit is a reminder that even the smallest actions can lead to discussions and connections in the digital age.

The incident, whether driven by environmental consciousness or a sense of humor, demonstrates that sometimes, it’s the unexpected moments that resonate the most with fans and netizens alike.



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