‘Lovely Runner’ star Byeon Woo Seok garners attention for how skinny he was when he first debuted

The ‘Lovely Runner‘ star, Byun Woo Seok, is currently the talk of the town, not just for his role in the K-Drama but also for his past skinny figure.

His popularity is soaring, as evidenced by the 100,000 sign-ups on his Weverse within just two hours of its creation, and his guest appearance on ‘Running Man‘ boosting the show’s ratings.

The 32-year-old actor, known for his youthful looks and muscular build, actually started his career in the entertainment industry as a model.

Netizens recently unearthed some of his old modeling photos, and they were stunned by how different he looked back then.

The photos from a shoot years ago reveal a much leaner and boyish Byun Woo Seok, quite different from his current muscular image.

While he wasn’t completely devoid of muscles then, they were much leaner, showing a clear physical transformation.

Netizens couldn’t hide their surprise at his transformation, commenting:

“He’s worked so hard, his body proportions are insane!”

“Sun Jae, you were so skinny. Are you eating well now?”

“Wow, you were really thin. How did you gain so much muscle? Your shoulders were as narrow as a door, it’s really fascinating.”

“Sun Jae still looks like a high school student, but he looked even younger during his modeling days. His handsome face with a constant smile was evident even back then.”

“It’s amazing how he maintained his proportions and bulked up. He used to be such a skinny model.”

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