“Was it deep-faked?”— OMEGA X Firmly Deny Sexual Assault Allegations Against Hwichan by Spire Entertainment

OMEGA X members have vehemently denied the allegations of sexual assault leveled against member Hwichan by their former label CEO Kang Seong Hee.

Their current label, IPQ, has come forward to refute the claims made by Spire Entertainment, stating unequivocally that the footage depicting Hwichan’s alleged sexual harassment of CEO Kang Seong Hee is fabricated.

IPQ emphasized that they have requested Spire Entertainment to release the entire video footage for transparency.

According to IPQ, CEO Kang Seong Hee had a history of demanding inappropriate affection from the members, and she allegedly coerced Hwichan into physical contact against his will.

The label further asserted that Kang Seong Hee’s behavior towards the members extended beyond sexual misconduct to include verbal abuse, physical violence, and harassment.

IPQ has reassured the public that their legal team is diligently gathering evidence to address the situation.

As the controversy unfolds, further updates will be provided as the situation develops.



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