“Promotional Overload”— Fans Debate if ITZY’s Non-Stop Activities Require a Timeout

ITZY has been on a meteoric rise to fame ever since their electrifying launch. Their first hit, “Dalla Dalla,” captivated viewers, and they got a lot of attention for both their music and their roles in BTS‘ “Love Yourself” highlight reels.

However, with their rising fame, one can’t help but wonder: Has ITZY taken a moment to breathe?
As we look back, “IT’z Different” and “IT’z ICY” were both successful singles in 2019. The group’s steady progress continued that same year.

ITZY kept going strong in 2020, giving fans songs like “IT’z ME” and “Not Shy.”

The year 2021 was very busy, with five releases, such as English versions of “Not Shy” and “Mafia in the Morning.”

Three songs came out in 2022: “Sneakers,” “Boys Like You,” and “Cheshire.” The last song of 2023 was “Kill My Doubt.”

As 2023 came to a close, ITZY made yet another comeback with “Born to Be.” Besides putting out album after album, they’ve also been on trips and attended award ceremonies.

The K-Pop business is known for being strict, and ITZY is a great example of a group that is always moving. But when does the never-ending circle get too much?

With ITZY‘s busy schedule and the constant need to put out new music, it’s important to ask: When was the last time these skilled artists had a chance to take a break and unwind? The entertainment business, especially K-pop, is known for being very fast-paced and demanding. To stay relevant, artists have to stay in the spotlight all the time.

Staying on top of trends and in the public’s mind all the time is important for job growth, but it also comes with its own problems.

The never-ending cycle of shows, promotions, and public visits can be both good and bad. On the one hand, it solidifies ITZY‘s place as a top K-pop group, bringing them huge fans and praise around the world.

On the other hand, it makes me wonder what effect this level of focus has on their physical and mental health.

More and more people are worried about sustainability in such a high-pressure setting. There is a fine line between moving up in your job and taking care of your own health, and burnout is a real danger. ITZY, like many other K-pop groups, might think that taking a break goes against what they want to do. But you can’t say enough about how important it is to rest and recover.

Not only do the members need to rest their bodies, but they also need to heal mentally and emotionally. This gives them time to work on their creativity and come back with even more for their fans.

As the topic of mental health and well-being in the entertainment business grows, it’s important to think about how groups like ITZY can make their careers last. Make sure they have the space and time to recover, not only for their own health but also for the industry’s longevity and continued success.

What do you think about ITZY‘s plan for advertising? Should they take a break, which they earn, or keep going at the same speed? Tell ITZY what you think they should do to handle their busy job.



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