OH MY GIRL’s Seunghee cutely boasts her biggest purchase so far, “I bought a house for my parents”

Kim Sook found herself in an awkward spot after OH MY GIRL‘s Seunghee shared her heartwarming story of filial love.

On the May 5th episode of KBS 2TV‘s hit variety show ‘The Boss Has Donkey Ears‘, the hosts got into a fun chat about their personal splurges.

Kim Sook kicked off the conversation by asking, “So, what’s the most extravagant thing you’ve bought for yourself?”

She was the first to share, revealing, “I’m a big fan of camping. I’ve got a bunch of tents, but there’s this one that cost me a whopping 3 million won. It’s so fancy that people line up just to buy it. When you set it up, it’s so eye-catching that people can’t help but ask, ‘Who’s that?’ I bought it outright just to hear that.”

But then she confessed, “It’s still too precious for me to use. It’s still sitting in its box.”

Then it was special MC Seunghee‘s turn to share. She dropped a bombshell, saying, “I bought a house for my parents.”

The studio erupted in applause, leaving Kim Sook and Jeon Hyun Moo feeling a bit sheepish. They admitted, “We feel a bit embarrassed now.”

Seunghee added with a proud smile, “I also gave them a card for their convenience,” which left everyone in awe.



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