On September 11, NewJeans shocked fans with an emergency live broadcast on a new YouTube channel (nwjns). The members appeared much more serious than usual, worrying netizens.
During the broadcast, Hanni addressed key concerns, particularly with HYBE. She started by explaining how their content was affected after Min Hee Jin stepped down as ADOR's CEO.
"Something we all find very important, something that plays a very important role in our team’s color and image is our media content and creative production," Hanni said. "Despite saying they would leave all the creative production to our now-former CEO Min Hee Jin, they infringed on our content."
Hanni also shared how the staff was impacted by the situation. She added, "It was content that we not only worked really hard on but our staff spent endless hours producing, solely for our fans. If they had any understanding about what type of team we are, they would’ve thought more deeply before crossing the line they set themselves."
She then explained that since Min Hee Jin's departure, the "harmony" between management and the creative side of ADOR wasn't the same anymore. "Now that she is no longer CEO, these factors that should’ve continued to work together in harmony are now being seen as two different areas of work."
Hanni also expressed her frustration with HYBE and how they weren’t being treated properly. She emphasized, "We are not going to follow HYBE’s orders blindly. We should be treated much better than we are right now. It’s hard to believe they are sincere about wanting to help us continue working with Min Hee Jin."
Hanni wrapped up by saying that they didn’t want empty promises. "All we want is this legal conflict to be resolved and have our working environment go back to normal."
The YouTube video and the channel have since been deleted.
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