Sandara Park Reveals Her Ideal Type: “I Want a Nerd Who Sees Only Me as Beautiful”, Here’s Why

Sandara Park recently shared her thoughts on her ideal type of partner.

On the 28th, Sandara Park’s personal channel ‘DARA TV’ released a video titled “This Guest is a First! ‘Guide Dara’ Taking Care of Her Sweet 17-Year Friend and Bohol Trip Begins! with Jung Il Woo | DARA TV EP.10″.

The video featured Sandara Park and her longtime friend of 17 years, actor Jung Il Woo, embarking on a trip to Bohol in the Philippines. During their trip, they candidly discussed relationships, drawing attention from viewers.

Jung Il Woo started off by mentioning, “There haven’t been any dating rumors about me so far. After going through many heartbreaks, people definitely mature.”

Sandara Park then shared her perspective, saying, “Because I might get cut off if I date, especially since my trainee days, I haven’t dated much. Now, I want to experience love more.”

Reflecting on past experiences, she added, “After facing heartbreak and encountering disappointment a few times, you learn to recognize a good person. It took me a while to realize that adults need to meet many different people. My ideal type has evolved over time. I now prefer a nerd who sees only me as beautiful. That would be ideal.”

She further explained, “I’ve always been focused on my work, giving my best at all times. But now, I want to focus on dating and being human Sandara.”

Sandara Park‘s openness about her evolving preferences resonated with fans, sparking discussions about love and relationships.



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