Lee Jun Young on His Role on “Dreaming of Cinde Fxxxing Rella”: “Feels Like Doing My Homework Well and Being Praised”

The TVING original series “Dreaming of Cinde Fxxxing Rella,” a romantic comedy, is gaining love from viewers for its captivating storyline about a woman’s quest to become Cinderella and a cold-hearted chaebol prince who learns to believe in love.

Ahead of its finale, Lee Jun Young expressed gratitude to fans who embraced “Dreaming of Cinde Fxxxing Rella.“This drama feels like doing homework diligently and getting praised. Thanks to the wonderful synergy with all the actors, especially Pyo Ye-jin, and the staff, I gained confidence,” he shared warmly.

Reflecting on the experience, he added, “It was an opportunity to reflect on my acting skills and learn. I will continue to progress steadily so that I can deliver even better performances in the future. Always thankful.”

In the series, Lee Jun Young played Cha Min, the charismatic heir of Cheongdam Heaven, a prestigious social club. Initially cold and cynical towards love due to past hurts, Cha Min undergoes a transformation after meeting Shin Jae-rim (played by Pyo Ye-jin), portraying his emotional journey with depth and enhancing the drama’s emotional impact.

From denying his feelings for Jae-rim and engaging in playful conflicts, Lee Jun Young‘s character captured viewers’ hearts. As Jae-rim searches for her ideal partner, Cha Min, despite his initial awkwardness, becomes protective and adds excitement with romantic gestures, including a memorable kiss.

One of the series’ highlights was Lee Jun Young‘s intense action scene rescuing Jae-rim, wielding a golf umbrella with charisma that heightened viewers’ anticipation.

Fully embracing his role as Cha Min, Lee Jun Young enriched the drama with nuanced emotional expressions, charming visuals, and adorable moments that brought smiles to viewers, solidifying his prowess in romantic comedy.

The TVING original series “Dreaming of Cinde Fxxxing Rella,” starring Lee Jun Young, will air its final episodes 9 and 10 today at noon, promising a conclusion that fans eagerly anticipate.



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