TWICE’s Nayeon talks about difficulty of maintaining her figure, can’t help but compare herself to Momo

TWICE‘s Nayeon recently opened up about the challenges she faces in keeping her body in shape.

On June 7, the ‘117‘ channel dropped an episode of ‘Sana’s Cold Interview‘ where Nayeon was the guest.

Sana, curious about Nayeon‘s solo comeback preparations, asked, “The team told me you’ve been hitting the gym hard. Are you planning to flaunt your toned body starting from the jacket photoshoot?”

Nayeon confessed, “When I began working on the album, Producer Park Jin Young advised me to get fit,” and added, “A lot of people can understand the struggle of not seeing results despite exercising.”

Nayeon shared her frustration, “What’s really annoying is that Momo didn’t exercise at all for a year. She didn’t do any ab workouts. Yet, she still has toned abs even if she eats and then performs on stage.”

She added, “But me, I diet, consume protein, and exercise every morning and evening when I can. Even after all that, I ask myself, ‘Are these abs or just shadows?’ They barely show and then vanish the next day.”

Despite her struggles, Nayeon is determined, “I’m determined to keep working out diligently until the comeback.”



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