“Did NewJeans Choose the Wrong Program?” ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ Ratings Drop Despite Their Appearance

The spotlight was on NewJeans as they made their debut appearance on KBS 2TV’s ‘2 Days & 1 Night’. However, it seems their presence failed to captivate viewers, resulting in a surprising ratings decline.

According to Nielsen Korea, the June 9 broadcast of ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ achieved a nationwide household rating of 6.1%.

While the show maintained its position as the top program in its time slot, this figure represents a 1 percentage point drop from the previous week’s episode, which garnered a 7.1% rating on June 2. Remarkably, this marks the lowest rating for ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ since the start of its fourth season in 2019.

NewJeans, a rising girl group known for their impressive achievements since their debut, stepped onto the variety show stage for the first time.

Fans were eager to see how they would fare in this new environment. However, despite the pre-broadcast buzz, the ratings hit an all-time low.

The dynamics of ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ play a crucial role in its appeal. The show thrives on the humor and chemistry among its regular members, relying less on guest appearances.

When guests fail to seamlessly blend in with the cast, it can lead to viewer disengagement.

An analysis suggests that the core audience of ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ does not align with NewJeans’ fandom, resulting in the departure of existing viewers.

Additionally, as relative newcomers, the NewJeans members may not have fully showcased their variety show skills, where being funny is paramount.

Despite the setback, both ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ and NewJeans can find silver linings. Online clips featuring NewJeans’ appearance are garnering high views, providing exposure beyond traditional TV audiences.

For the show, it’s an opportunity to connect with a fresh demographic, while for NewJeans, it’s a chance to expand their popularity to a broader public.

As one industry insider aptly put it, “Sometimes, even a stumble can lead to a leap forward.”



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