The finale of TvN's "Lovely Runner" aired this week, wrapping up the romantic-comedy time-slip series created by True Beauty screenwriter Lee Si Eun. Starring actors Byeon Woo Seok as Ryu Sun Jae and Kim Hye Yoon as Im Sol, the show captivated viewers with its unique storyline.
Ryu Sun Jae, a famous star, finds his life weighed down by the pressures of fame. Meanwhile, Im Sol, his devoted fan, travels back in time to prevent his tragic fate after hearing false news of his suicide. In the past, she encounters Ryu Sun Jae as a high school student and works to alter his future.
While viewers rooted for Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae's love story, the drama introduced a second male lead, Kim Tae Sung, portrayed by Song Geon Hee.
Despite not being endgame for Im Sol, Tae Sung proved to be a standout character, becoming a detective and a pivotal figure in the storyline.
Surprisingly, Tae Sung was not part of the original webcomic "Tomorrow’s Best," from which "Lovely Runner" was adapted.
Adaptations often bring changes, and Tae Sung's addition was met with initial skepticism from netizens.
However, Tae Sung's character added depth and intrigue to the drama, earning praise from viewers as one of the best second leads ever.
As the series concluded, many acknowledged that the changes made from the webcomic to the drama, including Tae Sung's inclusion, enhanced the overall story.
In addition to Tae Sung, another supporting role is gaining attention. Stay tuned for more updates.
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