In a recent episode of the web entertainment show "Salon drip 2," which aired on March 12, actor Son Suk Goo made a surprising revelation about his ideal type.
During the episode, comedian Jang Do Yeon expressed her anticipation and concerns about Son Suk Goo's appearance on the show.
She worried about potential awkwardness and planned to focus on professional topics like work and acting goals.
However, Son Suk Goo encouraged a more relaxed atmosphere, showing his willingness to engage in playful banter and even tackle tricky questions.
When Jang Do Yeon asked if his ideal type had changed, Son Suk Goo confirmed that it hadn't. He reiterated his previous statement from another variety show where he named Jang Do Yeon as his ideal type, stating, "It's still the same. I like someone who is bright and fun." This declaration showcased his unwavering fondness for individuals who radiate positivity and humor.