"Crash Course in Romance" has to be one of the most popular K-dramas right now. The show is about a math tutor named Choi Chi Yeol, who is played by Jung Kyung Ho. He meets Nam Haeng Seon, who owns a shop (played by Jeon Do Yeon).
One heartbreaking scene in particular has gone viral because it shows how little people in Korea know about autism.
Along with some of the main characters, Nam Jae Woo, who was played by Oh Eui Sik and is the brother of Nam Haeng Seon, made an impression.
Nam Jae Woo has Asperger syndrome, which makes it hard for him to do things like talk to other people.
Nam Jae Woo has been talked about a lot on the show, and a recent episode had one of the most moving scenes.
Nam Jae Woo has always talked about how he always gets a waffle from his favorite cafe first thing in the morning.
In the most recent episode, when Nam Jae Woo gets to the cafe and gets his order, he sees that the barista is holding a piece of chocolate.
While he is trying to clean it, she hits him back because she thinks he is trying to hurt her.
Then, her boyfriend, who is also a barista, comes in and gets mad at Nam Jae Woo, saying that he is a stalker because he comes into the shop every day.
When the male barista tries to fight with Nam Jae Woo, he fights back by pushing the man to the ground, which causes the man to file criminal charges against Nam Jae Woo.
When Nam Jae Woo's sister comes to get him from prison, he feels overwhelmed by the situation. She tries to calm him down before getting the baristas to drop the charges.
After the clips were shared, netizens couldn't stop sharing their reactions to the heartbreaking scene, which shows how little people understand.
Others said that it showed what can happen when people don't understand, since it wasn't strange that the barista was scared.
In particular, netizens liked how the family reacted and how they were shown in the episode.
When they got home, Nam Jae Woo's family was calm, which showed how much they cared, as did the way they told him what happened and tried to make him feel better.
Even though the two main characters are the focus of the show, it also talks about a lot of other things, like suicide and the pressures of Korean society.
It's not surprising that it's become so popular, both in Korea and around the world.