“Single’s Inferno” Contestants Jo Yoong Jae and Choi Seo Eun Criticize for Selling Shockingly High Fan Meeting Ticket Prices

Single’s Inferno” came back with a second season and all new contestants. Once again, beautiful young men and women looking for love got the attention of people all over the world.

Jo Yoong Jae and Choi Seo Eun, two contestants, were able to find love in the end and chose each other as their final choice.

But after being criticized, two contestants who were liked by viewers posted apologies. People didn’t like how the two contestants chose to charge a lot of money for tickets to a fan event.

On January 19, Jo Yoong Jae apologized on Instagram, writing, “I paid close attention to what everyone said. As I looked at the corrections you left, I thought a lot about myself. I agreed to do the event to show my appreciation to all of you who cared about me and helped me a lot, but I wasn’t being kind. I hadn’t given it enough thought.”

He then said that he would be canceling the fan meeting event that the agency had planned, and he explained that he would be planning another event on his own dime.

In the end, he said, “It hurts my feelings to think that the people who help us must have been upset by what happened. I just wanted to have time to hang out with the people who care about us and make good memories with them. I will use what happened to me to learn to be more careful and wise.”

Jo Yoong Jae and Choi Seo Eun, on the other hand, said that they will meet with fans for free for 80 minutes on February 11 at a performance hall in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

But the two contestants got into trouble when it came out that they were selling tickets to a fan meeting for 77,000 KRW (about 64.47 USD).

Many people on the Internet said bad things about them and compared their fan meeting ticket prices to those of famous people.

Choi Seo Eun also apologized through her Instagram account.



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