Jeon Hyun Moo and Kim Sook Expressed Their Sadness Of Not Being Included In A Group Chat On Where Other “Talk Pa One 25 o’clock” Casts Joined

Talk Pa One 25 o’clockJeon Hyun Moo and Kim Sook expressed dissatisfaction with the group chat room where they are not included.

JTBC’s ‘Talk Pa One 25 O’Clock’, which aired on October 24, opened its doors energetically with the news that it had broken its own highest ratings.

However, Jeon Hyun Moo expressed his dissatisfaction with the excited atmosphere for a while, saying, “That’s not important. Why does a chat room exist without me and Kim Sook?” 

Yang Se Chan admitted, “It is true that there are chat rooms without the two of you” and made everyone laugh.

 Kim Sook asked, “Are we missing because we’re oldies?”

Alberto hurriedly said, “We took it out of consideration because you are too famous.”

Yang Se Chan raised Jeon Hyun Moo‘s anger by saying, “There is no word to invite anyone even though there are no two.”

Tyler said, “In fact, it’s not that good to enter the chat room. Eighty percent are Julian and Yang Se Chan.

“It feels like I’m stuck in their personal talk,” Tyler added.



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