IVE's Jang Won Young has become a hot topic because of her number of CFs.
On August 19, a post about Jang Won Young began trending on Nate's community board Pann under the title, "As of right now, Jang Won Young has accumulated 8 Solo CFS ㅋㅋㅋㅋ".
The netizen then listed the following CFS, "Miu Miu, Innis Free, Kirsch, SK Telecom, HapaKristin, GOSPHERES, Eider, Fred….".
The netizen added, "Miu Miu, on the other hand, she was the youngest Korean person to become an ambassador, and she was Fred's first Korean ambassador… She's really impressive for only being 19 years old.".

Other netizens quickly responded with comments such as:
I just think that Jang Won Young's life is going to turn out pretty well… Her fortune also said she would make a lot of money.
She is the brand ambassador for golf clothes, circle lenses, telecommunications, and jewelry. She is also the brand ambassador for luxury brands and road shop brands. She's really a pretty girl.
Her life is so solid, and she's amazing in so many ways.
(Talk about what she has done and why she is interesting.
Her achievements include:
- Ranking 15th on Billboard Global 200
- Ranking 10th on Billboard Global 200
- Ranking 9th on Apple Music Global
- Ranking #1 on Apple Music Japan Weekly
- Ranking #1 on YouTube Music Japan Weekly
- Ranking 51st on Spotify Global Weekly
- Ranking #1 on QQ Music K-chart Weekly)

Fck, what was I doing at 19 y.o… fck
I wonder what else she will do. She has already done a lot.
Also, she doesn't just do well on her own; her whole group does well, too. She's freaking awesome, no joke…
Really?? I knew that Jang Won Young was in ads, but I didn't know that she had 8 of them. Daebak.
What are your thoughts on the post about Jang Won Young?
