Over the years, a celebrity's style is bound to change. This is also true for famous people.
Recently, a netizen noticed that Bae Suzy's aura had changed in a small way. The netizen made the post in an online community with the title "Is Suzy's style different now than it used to be?"
In the post, the Netizen wrote, "I have no idea if she had surgery or not. Even though her face is still the same, she looks so different now. The exact opposite. Is it her eyebrows and hair? Or did something about her style change?".
The person who wrote the post used a lot of photos of Bae Suzy before and after she changed the shape of her eyebrows to show how the aura changed.
Before, Bae Suzy's eyebrows were thick and got thicker at the ends, which made her look more feminine. Recently, Bae Suzy changed her eyebrows to be more straight and thinner, which makes her look a bit more soft.

Netizens had different thoughts on this, as shown by their comments like:
"I think her hair changed?"
"I think her makeup got lighter, too."
"Her makeup got lighter"
"I think she took care of her baby hairs."
"But since then, she has changed a lot… I think she also grew up. Also, her eyebrows aren't as long and her makeup isn't as dirty."

"Even if people say it's because she had surgery on her hairline, her makeup style has changed over time. If you look at those pictures, you can see that her makeup has gotten lighter"
"Her eyelashes and bangs"
"I think she lost a huge amount of weight. But she gave up in a beautiful way."
"I think her makeup got lighter, so now when she wears contacts, she looks like a doll and is so pretty. I think she wore more natural lenses back then, while now she wears ones that are a little bit bigger."
"She appears more mature, yes?"

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!