It was reported that Kim Seon Ho suffered from shingles as a result of the controversy surrounding his personal life.
On 9 July, YouTuber Lee Jin Ho uploaded a video to his channel titled "Kim Seon Ho's sad current situation | Loyalty with 2 Days & 1 Night members".
Lee Jin Ho stated, "Kim Seon Ho, who has been in 10 months of self-reflection due to the controversy surrounding his private life, will return to the stage".
Kim Seon Ho's health issues were the first thing he disclosed. Lee Jin Ho clarified, "Was Kim Seon Ho truly ill? Since last year's controversy, there have been numerous rumors about Kim Seon Ho, such as 'He was taken to the emergency room' and 'Reporters are waiting in the emergency room'".

He added, "As a result of the investigation, it was determined that all of these claims were unfounded. However, he did experience health issues. Extreme stress significantly compromised his immunity. As a result of his shingles infection, he required outpatient treatment for a time. In a recent video promoting a play, he appeared much thinner than before".
According to Lee Jin Ho, Kim Seon Ho's relationship with the members of "2 Days & 1 Night" remains strong. He drew attention by stating, "Last year, when he was struggling with privacy issues, he was comforted by those around him".
On the theater stage, "2 Days & 1 Night" members and senior and junior actors continued to receive support and encouragement. Even though they were close with Kim Seon Ho, the situation was delicate, so they took care of Kim Seon Ho discreetly.
A friend told him, "Kim Seon Ho is not the type to interact with many people. The assistance and encouragement of seniors and juniors, as well as members of '2 Days & 1 Night', was of great assistance".
