Kim Seon Ho Drops A Surprise Instagram Post For Fans After 7 Months Hiatus

Actor Kim Seon Ho confessed his feelings through SNS for the first time since the controversy over his private life.

On May 7th, Kim Seon Ho shared a post with a picture of the moon through his Instagram.

Kim Seon Ho said, “I’m sorry to have made you go through a difficult time because of my shortcomings“.

Kim Seon Ho, who celebrated his birthday on May 8th, thanked his fans by saying, “Thank you for congratulating me on my birthday this year as well.”

Finally, Kim Seon Ho promised, “I will cherish the sensations you give me and strive to become an actor who can repay your support“.

Previously, Kim Seon Ho was in his prime through KBS2 “2 Days & 1 Night Season 4” and tvN’s “Hometown Cha Cha Cha“.

However, in October of last year, Kim Seon Ho was embroiled in a privacy controversy due to the revelations of his ex.

As the controversy grew, Kim Seon Ho took a break from activities such as getting off from “2 Days & 1 Night Season 4“.

After that, as the contents of the messages Kim Seon Ho exchanged with his ex-girlfriend were revealed, public opinion turned positive.

Currently, Kim Seon Ho is preparing for a comeback while filming the movie “Sad Tropics“.

Sad Tropics” is an action noir that tells the story of a boy who used to be a boxer who becomes the target of mysterious people and is pursued.



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