Actor Park Min Young, who recently made a comeback with the JTBC drama 'Forecasting Love and Weather', has already started preparing for her next project.
On February 17, Sports Chosun reported that Park Min Young has been cast as the lead character of tvN's new drama '“MonWedFriTuesThursSat”
'Mon-Wed-Geum, Tue, Mok-Sat' tells the story of a helper woman who acts as a 'wife' to single men who need a wife to attend, such as couples' gatherings and reunions.
The character Choi Sang Eun is the character proposed to Park Min Young who appears as a woman who has all the qualities and virtues a bride should have.
Choi Sang Eun, who has a beautiful appearance as well as good in foreign languages, golf, fencing, rock climbing, and Michelin-level food skills, is said to live for solo men from Monday to Saturday.
Many people's eyes are already on the unconventional subject of 'role acting' that has not been seen anywhere else. Of course, as it is a stimulating material, there are also some negative reactions.
On the other hand, a representative of Hook Entertainment, the agency, said that Park Min Young received an offer to appear in “MonWedFriTuesThursSat” and is positively reviewing it.
Fans are very interested in whether Park Min Young, who is challenging various roles, will play the controversial role of 'acting as wife'.